
Bab-e Sayyid (Sir Sayyid Gate), Aligarh

Source: http://www.amu.nic.in/vsamu/sirsyed/
(downloaded May 2000)

Shahid H.'s view, 2000

Source: http://community.webshots.com/photo/4289013/1004156623000111475oWKcUBzfTM
(downloaded Mar. 2006)

*The dedication plaque for the gate, noting the dignitaries who did the honors in February 2000*

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/akif/311295759/
(downloaded Mar. 2007)

*The Bab-e Sayyid lit up at night for "Sir Syed Day," Oct. 17, 2006*

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/62378190@N00/272497186/
(downloaded Mar. 2007)

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