A view from Munster's Cosmographia, printed in Basel, 1572 (p.1088)

Source: ebay, Aug. 2002

An illustration of hook-swinging from 'La Porte ouverte, pour parvenir à la connoissance du paganisme caché', by Abraham Roger, Amsterdam, 1670

Source: http://www.christies.com/LotFinder/search/LotDetail.asp?sid=&intObjectID=4415467&SE=CMWCAT04+37366+585380378+&QR=M+1+15+Aqc0000900+33681++Aqc0000900+&entry=india&SU=1&RQ=False&AN=16
(downloaded Dec. 2004)

From 'Naauw-keurige aanteekeningen van William Methold, Presiden van de Engelsse Maatschappy, gehouden op sijn Voyagie, in het jaar 1619 ... ' (Acurate notes of William Methold, president of the English company, kept on his voyage, in the year 1619 ...), published by Pieter van der Aa, Leiden, 1707

Source: ebay, May 2013

"Habitans du Cormandel, paiant leurs voeux a leur Idole - Ceremonies cruelles des Penitens en adorant l' Idole Gansa," from 'La galerie agreable du monde. Tome premier des Indes Orientales.', published by P. van der Aa, Leyden, c. 1725

Source: ebay, Jan. 2012

A view from 'Voyage aux Indes orientales et a la Chine, fait depuis 1774 jusqu'a 1781' by Pierre Sonnerat, Paris, 1782; he also illustrates *fire-walking (another religious ordeal)*

Source: ebay, Apr. 2009

*A view of this and other penitences by Bertuch, from 'Bilderbuch fur Kinder, Weimar, c.1800*

Source: ebay, Mar. 2010

*View of the Churruck Poojah on the banks of the Ganges by James Moffat, c.1806* (BL)

"Festa de Mariatal," by Giulio Ferrario, from 'Il costumo antico e moderno', Florence, 1824

Source: ebay, June 2010

"A Species of Penance Practised at the Festival of Goddess Bhavani," from 'The World in Miniature: Hindoostan' by Frederick Shoberl, London, 1820's

Source: ebay, Feb. 2005

Fanny Parkes included a depiction of hook-swinging in her 'Wanderings of a Pilgrim in search of the picturesque...', London, 1850 (BL)

"A Swinging Festival in India," from the Illustrated London News, 1857; and very large scans of the *left half* and the *right half* of the engraving

Source: ebay, Oct. 2006

"The Churuk (Charuk) Puja, or Swinging Festival" a steel engraving from 'History of India' (James S. Virtue Co., London, 1858)

Source: ebay, Sept. 2005

A view from The Graphic, 1893

Source: ebay, Apr. 2015

Hook-swinging in Calcutta, spring 2008

Source: New York Times, April 14, 2008

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